Data acquisition
V4Design will provide a collection platform that will enable the acquisition of visual and their related textual context. Data will be either obtained from consortium data providers or crawled /scraped from renowned art-related websites and domains.
Textual understanding
V4Design will integrate innovative knowledge-based solutions into existing dependency-based natural language understanding systems to support deeper and more robust analysis of textual content.
Visual understanding
V4Design will analyze famous paintings and other artwork depictions in order to acquire their aesthetics/stylistic representation and their consequent emotion stimulation to the viewer. Sophisticated categorization will follow up so as to enable end-users to retrieve and create the texture that they want to deploy in their creation.
Building detection and localization
V4Design will analyze the visual content of videos in order to detect objects and specific rooms from the interior of buildings and viewpoints from their exterior. This will enable the user to search and retrieve specific places and buildings throughout a vast amount of visual data and use them so as to extract their 3D models or get inspired.
3D-reconstruction, 3D-modelling and BIM/GIS enhancement
V4Design will enable the analysis of interior design objects and multiple images from the exterior of buildings in order to extract their 3D BIM models.
Semantics integration, fusion & retrieval
V4Design models will deploy and extend existing ontologies to represent all aspects pertinent to the project and to support the end-users’ needs in real use case scenarios. V4Design will also apply innovative, user-tailored and synergistic combinations of statistics-based, rule and knowledge-based solutions. A Linked Data approach will follow up so as to enable the combining of a wide variety of information sources with constructed 3D models.